Hi, I'm Eira! I'm an animator, artist and puppeteer.

Animation is a fantastic medium and I'm thrilled it's the one I work in. Check out my portfolio to see my animation in action!

In my free time, I tend to my creatures (Furbies and cats), and cook.

I would love to talk. Find me on Linkedin, or send me an Email!

Current Project (08/08/24)

I've just finished my first ever film, Bug D'Amour. It's colourful, comedic and even utilises some combined 2D/3D elements.

Colourful screenshot of animation

The film isn't fully released online just yet, but since you're obviously a discerning browser, here's a link to the unlisted upload: [link]

You can check out snippets of the animation on my portfolio!

Things I'm interested in at the moment:

I'm excited for and keeping my eye on 'I WANNA EAT YOUR GUTS' as well as 'Common Side Effects'.

Both of these shows have some really cool artists behind them.

Animation Obsessive, of course, keeps me up to date on animation news. I'm enjoying their feature on the latest GOBELINS films.